España, S.A. Compañía Nacional de Seguros

ESPAÑA, S.A., Compañía Nacional de Seguros, was founded in 1928 by Spain's first actuary, Mr. Huerta Peña, who also signed the documents founding Insurope in 1968. The España has 35 life offices in Spain and Portugal and insures many of the multinational companies operating in Spain.

Since its foundation in 1928, ESPAÑA, S.A., Compañía Nacional de Seguros, has been offering its policyholders the most complete and innovative types of both group and individual life Insurance and Pension Schemes.


  • High rate of customer satisfaction
  • Solid underwriting and claims policies designed in the interest of the pool and the multinational parent company
  • Specialized life insurance Company with more than 85 years of experience in employee benefits and the group life insurance business.
  • One of Spain's financially strongest insurance companies with assets exceeding two times technical liabilities. This results in one of the highest Solvency II SCR coverage ratios (above 300%) of the European insurance market.